Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) Cosmic Consciousness.

A Thorn on the Rose

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Succeed in your quest to attain Cosmic Consciousness. Make sure that you know the pitfalls to avoid. This book gives an account of what can happen if you are not aware and the dire consequences of failure.

This Book is essential reading for all students on the Rosicrucian path.

"I am very sad to announce that joining the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) could have been the worst thing that I did in my life. By it I may have lost the chance to attain Cosmic Consciousness forever", says the author

You too can fail on the path to Cosmic Consciousness through studying with AMORC, and the consequences of that failure are very severe. This book is about what happened to one person through their studies with the Rosicrucian Order, and why it happened. It is written for the benefit of students of AMORC and other seekers of truth, as a means of preventing the same thing from happening to them; not so they won't proceed with their studies - but so that they can proceed with more assurance of success.

Forewarned is Forearmed.

What AMORC does not make clear in its' course of study material is that not only are the mystical heights of Cosmic Consciousness attainable through its' program of development but that there is also a mystical abyss laying in wait for those that fail. This book was written from that abyss by the author, having suffered inadequacies in the instructions that they received from AMORC and by those inadequacies failed in their petition to attain Cosmic Consciousness.

In spite of numerous solicitations by the author over many years to AMORC for them to redress the deficiencies in their teachings and make their instructions more robust, such that its' students have better chances of success and less danger of failing, AMORC has given no indication of having taken on board the serious issues raised by the author's tragic experience under their tutelage. He was compelled therefore, to present this book: 'A Thorn on the Rose', as a remedy both for the shortcomings in the teachings of the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC), and the apparant shortcomings of some of its' officers, for the protection and benefit of all students on the path.

            Download your free copy of 'A Thorn On The Rose' (Ebook) here: